Source code for benchmarkstt.docblock

import textwrap
import inspect
import re
import ast
from collections import namedtuple
import logging
from docutils.core import publish_string
from docutils.writers import html5_polyglot
import docutils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Docblock = namedtuple('Docblock', ['docs', 'params', 'result', 'result_type'])
Param = namedtuple('Param', ['name', 'type', 'type_doc', 'is_required',
                             'description', 'examples'])
DocblockParam = namedtuple('DocblockParam', ['name', 'type', 'value'])

[docs]def format_docs(docs): return textwrap.dedent(docs).strip()
[docs]def doc_param_parser(docstring, key, no_name=None, allow_multiple=None, replace_strat=None): results = [] if no_name or allow_multiple else {} if replace_strat is None: def replace_strat(match, param): return elif type(replace_strat) is str: _replace_strat = replace_strat def replace_strat(match, param): nonlocal _replace_strat return _replace_strat def _(match): nonlocal results, key, no_name, replace_strat if no_name: param = dict(name=key,, return_val = replace_strat(match, param) results.append(DocblockParam(**param)) else: value = textwrap.dedent( param = dict(,, value=value) return_val = replace_strat(match, param) param = DocblockParam(**param) if allow_multiple: # check if it already exists, if not create a new object idx = [idx for idx, val in enumerate(results) if not in val] if not len(idx): idx = len(results) results.append({}) else: idx = idx[0] results[idx][] = param else: results[] = param return return_val if no_name: regex = r'^[ \t]*:%s[ \t]*([a-z_]+)?:[ \t]+(.*)$' else: regex = r'^[ \t]*:%s[ \t]+(?:([^:]+)[ \t]+)?([a-z_]+):[ \t]*(.+$|(?:$[ \t]*\n)*([ \t]+)([^\n]*)$(?:\4.*\n|\n)+)' docs = re.sub( regex % (re.escape(key),), _, docstring, flags=re.MULTILINE ).strip() return docs, results
[docs]def decode_literal(txt: str): if txt is None: return '' try: return ast.literal_eval(txt) except (ValueError, SyntaxError) as e: logger.warning('%s "%s" for: %s', type(e), e, txt) return txt
[docs]def parse(func): docs = format_docs(func.__doc__) argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(func) args = list(argspec.args) if len(args) and args[0] in ('self', 'cls'): args.pop(0) defaults_idx = len(args) - (len(argspec.defaults) if argspec.defaults else 0) docs, doc_params = doc_param_parser(docs, 'param', replace_strat='') docs, doc_result = doc_param_parser(docs, 'return', no_name=True) def decode_examples(match, param): if is None: param['value'] = decode_literal(param['value']) else: param['value'] = process_rst(param['value'], 'text') return '' docs, examples = doc_param_parser(docs, 'example', allow_multiple=True, replace_strat=decode_examples) params = [] for idx, name in enumerate(args): type_ = None description = '' if name in doc_params: type_ = doc_params[name].type description = doc_params[name].value param = Param(name, argspec.annotations[name] if name in argspec.annotations else None, type_, idx < defaults_idx, description, examples) params.append(param) # quick hack to remove this docs = docs.replace(':py:class:', '') result = Docblock(docs=docs, params=params, result=doc_result[0].value if doc_result else None, result_type=doc_result[0].type if doc_result else None) return result
[docs]class HTML5Writer(html5_polyglot.Writer):
[docs] def apply_template(self): subs = self.interpolation_dict() return subs['body']
[docs]class TextWriter(docutils.writers.Writer):
[docs] class TextVisitor(docutils.nodes.SparseNodeVisitor): _text = ''
[docs] def visit_Text(self, node): self._text += node.astext()
[docs] def visit_paragraph(self, node): self._text += '\n\n'
[docs] def text(self): return self._text
[docs] def translate(self): visitor = self.TextVisitor(self.document) self.document.walkabout(visitor) self.output = visitor.text()
[docs]def process_rst(text, writer=None): if writer is None or writer == 'html': writer = HTML5Writer() elif writer == 'text': writer = TextWriter() elif type(writer) is str: raise ValueError("Unknown writer %s", str) settings = {'output_encoding': 'unicode', 'table_style': 'table'} return publish_string(text, writer=writer, writer_name='html5', settings_overrides=settings)