Source code for benchmarkstt.cli.entrypoints.metrics

Calculate metrics based on the comparison of a hypothesis with a reference.

from benchmarkstt.input import core
from benchmarkstt.output import factory as output_factory
from benchmarkstt.metrics import factory
from benchmarkstt.cli import args_from_factory
from benchmarkstt.normalization.logger import normalization_logger
import argparse
from inspect import signature, Parameter
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]def argparser(parser: argparse.ArgumentParser): # steps: input normalize[pre?] segmentation normalize[post?] compare parser.add_argument('-r', '--reference', help='File to use as reference', required=True) parser.add_argument('-h', '--hypothesis', help='File to use as hypothesis', required=True) types = OrderedDict(infer=' '.join([core.File.__doc__.strip(), 'Automatically infer file type from the filename extension.']), argument='Read the argument and treat as plain text (without reading from file)', **core.File.available_types()) types_help = ['Available types:'] types_help.extend(['\t%r: %s' % (k, v) for k, v in types.items()]) types_help = '\n'.join(types_help) subparser = parser.add_argument_group('reference and hypothesis types', description='You can specify which file type the --reference/-r and ' + '--hypothesis/-h arguments should be treated as.\n\n' + types_help) subparser.add_argument('-rt', '--reference-type', default='infer', help='Type of reference file', choices=types.keys()) subparser.add_argument('-ht', '--hypothesis-type', default='infer', help='Type of hypothesis file', choices=types.keys()) parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-format', default='restructuredtext', choices=output_factory.keys(), help='Format of the outputted results') metrics_desc = "A list of metrics to calculate. At least one metric needs to be provided." subparser = parser.add_argument_group('available metrics', description=metrics_desc) args_from_factory('metrics', factory, subparser) return parser
[docs]def file_to_iterable(file, type_, normalizer=None): if type_ == 'argument': return core.PlainText(file, normalizer=normalizer) return core.File(file, type_, normalizer=normalizer)
[docs]def run(parser, args, normalizer=None): logging.getLogger() prev_title = normalization_logger.title normalization_logger.title = 'Reference' ref = list(file_to_iterable(args.reference, args.reference_type, normalizer=normalizer)) normalization_logger.title = 'Hypothesis' hyp = list(file_to_iterable(args.hypothesis, args.hypothesis_type, normalizer=normalizer)) normalization_logger.title = prev_title if 'metrics' not in args or not len(args.metrics): parser.error("need at least one metric") with output_factory.create(args.output_format) as out: for item in args.metrics: metric_name = item.pop(0).replace('-', '.') cls = factory[metric_name] kwargs = dict() # somewhat hacky default diff formats for metrics sig = signature(cls.__init__).parameters sigkeys = list(sig) if 'dialect' in sigkeys: idx = sigkeys.index('dialect') - 1 sig = sig['dialect'] if sig.kind in (Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY): if len(item) <= idx: if args.output_format == 'json': kwargs['dialect'] = 'list' if 'diff_formatter_dialect' in sigkeys: kwargs['diff_formatter_dialect'] = 'dict' else: kwargs['dialect'] = 'ansi' metric = cls(*item, **kwargs) result =, hyp) out.result(metric_name, result)