benchmarkstt.modules module

class benchmarkstt.modules.LoadObjectProxy(name, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: benchmarkstt.modules.Proxy

Automatically load a class from any namespace, and pass all function calls to it, or to parent class if it is not implemented.

class benchmarkstt.modules.Modules(sub_module)[source]

Bases: object

class benchmarkstt.modules.Proxy(instance)[source]

Bases: object

Pass all function calls to instance, or to parent class if instance does not implement it.

benchmarkstt.modules.load_object(name, transform=None)[source]

Load an object based on a string. :param name: The string representation of an object :param transform: Transform (callable) done on the object name for comparison, if None, will lowercase compare. False for no transform.